Hachita, New Mexico

Iconic western buildings...

A popular photographer attraction.

a living western town...

Hachita, NM is an unspoiled, working, western community that inspires self-reliance. Neighbors are immediately there if you need them, otherwise stay out of your business. There are no golf courses, hair salons or tennis courts. Manicured yards are not the norm. Hachita has a small store that offers essential items, including gasoline. The nearest major town is Deming, 50 miles away (folks here keep lists). For my wife and me, Hachita is about easy access to the high desert vistas, abandoned mines, beautiful sunrises/sunsets, the stunning night sky and an escape from city noise.

New Mexico high desert backyard

Ghost towns and abandoned mines

Hachita, New Mexico provides ready access to the abandoned mines that dot the Hachita valley. An excellent example is "Old Hachita" about 10 miles away located in the Little Hachet Mountains.


The high desert vistas offer a third dimension of space perfect for reversing the effects of city congestion.

High desert quiet...

... getaway

Hachita NM - "Living Ghost Town"

the abandoned buildings of the past

The number of current residents roughly equals the number of abandoned Hachita buildings.

Last sunset of 2017